The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The video states that only those instances in the Bible where a specific number was given are included. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. But thats not even the tip of the iceberg. They believe that most people don't realize they're being . YES! Picture: To Catch a Cheater/YouTube Or go back to meetings? thoughts? If a father is not a Jehovahs Witness, then the mother shallprovide spiritual training. The purpose of dating is marriage. Yes, you will be shunned too if this happens. Almost all rational thought gets switched off and everything is what the cult tells them to think. Wear anything other than business attire to meetings. You shallnot have a career in criminal activity. Practice yoga or attend meditation classes. 3 Do Jehovahs Witnesses have rules about dating? Clothing and attire are regulated at meetings and conventions and in the individuals personal life. If Abel had such a depraved mind as to invent the slaughter of animals, what might he then do to humans! You shallbelieve that all of the Governing Body are anointed with a heavenly hope, even though there is good reason to believe that the number of anointed Christians was complete decades ago. (The Watchtower1996 Aug 15 p. 30 Questions From Readers). You are correct. Shunning known as disfellowship among Jehovah's Witness is a punishment implemented by a panel of elders and calls on all other members of the congregation to reject the person both. Elders shall inform the congregation if a member has been reproved publicly. Fractions of the primarycomponents are a conscience matter. You shallaccept that donations are used for more than the preaching work, including but not limited to, child sexual abuse cases. CompareJoshua 10:13&Numbers 21;14. w16 September p. 18, Five Scary Core Beliefs of the Jehovahs Witness, Watchtower Quotes: Churches and Other Charitable Organizations. If you can somehow get your friend out, do it. Good luck. There's a rule that is known as the "Jehovah's bedroom law" which states that members of the same gender are not allowed to pray in the same bedroom. You shouldnot put too much emphasis on your career. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Considering that Jehovahs Witnesses have so many rules, one would do well toconsiderGalatians 5:14when reviewing them. In Exodus 34:6 Moses asked the same thing and God showed him an incredible thing. The first murderer some might, if they realize that God never killed Adam and Eve, say was Cain, but I say it might have been God in the flood. And if youre in the hospital ready to kick, theyre right there waiting to get involved like vultures. Jehovah's Witnesses are given strict rules when it comes to dressing and grooming. I have spoken to some who believe that the serpent in the garden actually represented the true God (Not Jehovah). And then some rules seem a little bit ludicrous. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You shallnot attend religious education that is not from Jehovahs Witnesses. Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses are trained to snitch on each other. Withhold any information about so-called wrongdoing from the elders. Its fascinating and frightening when a family member is a JW. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Elders shallobtain a confession or have at least two witnesses to confirm that serious sins have been committed. You shouldensure when choosing to live withJehovahs Witnesses, that they are excellent followers of the rules of Jehovahs Witnesses. What kind of religion does this to its people? Satan will one day be eliminated! If you are legally required to vote in political elections, you shoulduse your conscienceto void your vote in the polling booth. It is believed that once you join the armed forces, your first . If those, who believe they are of the 144000, cannot attend the memorial, an elder should visit their house and perform a simple service. Always motivated by fear or guilt, 2 of the most potent brainwashing mechanisms humanity ever used. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You shallbe completely immersed under water, even persons with severe disabilities. Are the Jehovahs Witnesses a False Prophet? Women shallwear a head-covering when conducting a bible study where a baptized male is present. After all, Jesus said His disciples would be "persecuted" for the truth (John 15:20), and He also said that His followers will be "hated by all" (Mark 13:13). Jehovah's Witnesses have a number of marriage rules. They must wear skirts to services and out on the preaching work. The reason the people died was not because they were not Jewish but because there was uncontrolled and unfathomable sin. Jehovah's Witnesses aim to live a clean and healthy life, keeping their bodies and minds pure according to their beliefs. You shouldlive with fellow Jehovahs Witnesses only. You shouldtreat baptism with an appropriate degree of seriousness. Such penalties can vary from getting a caution to being outright dismissed from the religion. is a pivotal date in biblical chronology. This is exactly what happened in Malawi in the 70s whenJehovahs Witnesses were systematically massacred because their organization did not allow them to purchase a card indicating endorsement of the Malawi Congress Party. Jesus comments in John 8:44 was a wake-up call for me. Cain killed Abel, right, but that can be excused by the fact that Abel was a psychopath and a danger to the community, including to Cains children. You shouldrecord the number of hours you preach per month. Elders shouldvisit members who do not attend meetings regularly. Thankfully I came to my senses and realized that hitting children should never be acceptable. You should avoid attending a non-Jehovahs Witness religious funeral service. They do use biblical scriptures as their reasoning even if it does make sense. Elders shall beresponsible for marking, reproving publicly or reproving privately an individual who breaks the Jehovahs Witnesses moral code. Nobody understands this. ye is used in verbs with singular third person subjects, but howah is not a verb. Elders shallnot prevent or encourage individuals affected by serious sins such as rape, child abuse or child sexual abuse from reporting them to Law Enforcement Agencies. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. You shall believe that Jehovah is Gods name. Engage in any so-called extreme sports such as bungee jumping or sky diving. You shouldaccept that thebible is the most effective help in handling mental health issues. The court ruled that the Jehovah's Witnesses illegally failed to report the abuse, and the jury awarded her $4 million in actual damages and $31 million in punitive damages. But I agree. Nor should you draw/paint such scenes. Jehovah's Witnesses adhere to the Bible's view of marriage and divorce. Wear pants to a meeting. The fact that they cannot see what theyve done and what they are doing is exactly what happens to people in a cult. Stop attending door-to-door service or meetings. The Bible writers try to smash the two together. If you cannot find a suitable marriage partner, you shouldpray to Jehovah for help to persevere in the single state. Clothing and attire are regulated at meetings and conventions and in the individual's personal life. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. STRONGS EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE-HEBREW #1943 says HOVAH means DISASTER-RUIN and there is NO LETTERJ in hebrew or Greek OR ENGLISH till 1541. He is an obnoxious atheist who pretends to have read the Bible (as all cool atheist have done it), but only repeats what he has heard other atheists say online. Employment in any position where you need to be armed. You should not sing birthday songs, accept gifts ordraw/paint suchscenes. You shallnot vote in political elections. That would rule out wearing clothing that exposes or accentuates Watchtower Study Article: Does Your Style of Dress Glorify God? You shallnot manipulate the genitals of one whom you are not married to. A lot of this stuff on the list we experienced and more. You shouldlimit your association with persons who are not Jehovahs Witnesses. If those, who believe they are not of the 144000, cannot attend the memorial, they should read over appropriate scriptures and pray for the event worldwide. These rules govern each and every member of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is not the job of the concordance to judge whether a translation is correct or not. Thus that 10 should be added to Gods number. Hi Phil! And one other thing, the Book of Revelation is anything but! My major question is about the distribution of personal assets, including real estate, bank accounts, investment accounts from a deceased Jehovah Witness? Pledge allegiance to a country or its flag. the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses for three months, allegedly because of their door-to-door proselytism and their propaganda in public places. Public health care workers performing health checks on prostitutes is permissible. You shouldavoid not attendnon-Jehovahs Witness religious weddings or wedding ceremonies. In 2018, Jehovah's Witness wives were again encouraged to endure domestic violence as a way to praise Jehovah, on the off-chance an unbelieving "mate became a true worshipper." Separation was only sanctioned for "extremely physically abusive" situations, and wives that remain despite extreme abuse are praised as "loyal Christians." Some of the rules are typical morality rules. It is against their doctrines and they take this very seriously. You shallendure as one of Jehovahs Witnesses until you die, or in the unlikely event Armageddon comes in your lifetime, in order for you to be saved. Engage in any homosexual activity or accept the homosexual behavior of others. You shallbelieve that the gathering of the other sheep began in 1935 and that these ones represent ALL who have an earthly hope, both livingand dead. However, this number was slightly smaller among this 2016 study showing 6 percent of Jehovahs Witnesses as being divorced. Associate with apostates (Those who have willfully left the religion). But neither does the letter A, or the letter B, or the letter C, or the letters D, E, F, G, etc. You shallnot divorce unless one marriage partner committed adultery. You shouldlimit your association with a person who does not preach regularly. Consonants and vowels, on the other hand, are something pronounced. They may have trust issues, or suffer from bouts of depression. The brain washing I received was crazy. Its very difficult to watch what is happening to them and to those theyve been converting, its sickening. But JW believe everything is Satanic. Translation of the Old Testament was Hebrew and the New Testament was from Greek and Aramaic. A statement for the Jehovah's Witnesses said: "We continue to feel great sadness at the tragic and senseless loss of Philip Ryan. Hemodilution is a conscience matter. You shouldnot campaign for political candidates. thank you for saying this. Why there are Jehovah witness have subscribed their children to Violance Videos-Games ? Do Jehovahs Witnesses use any sort of weaponry (usually on a persons feet and/or lower legs) which can cause debilitation, amputations, etc. 3 To receive the blessings set before them, Adam and Eve would have to obey Jehovah and acknowledge his rulership. You shallpray for erring individuals in private only; praying publicly for erring ones may cause some Jehovahs Witnesses to stumble. In fact, there is a requirement to confess any transgression committed by yourself or others to the elders. Are the Jehovah Witnesses required to give everything to JW?? I attended a few J. W. meetings that are held during the week but not a Sunday worship one. Jehovah's Witnesses like to talk about how they don't have rules--they have principles. ( Isaiah 48:17, 18) We did not create these principles and commands, but we do live by them. Yes the brainwashing is incredible. If you dont think their brainwashed, how are you viewed if you didnt get the Jab? Learn how your comment data is processed. You shouldnot believe that the Earth was created in 24 hour periods. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Lets forget about the average looking daughters that God killed with the help of his opposer-angel. RIDICULOUSGOD does not look at us that way. My husband and I were both raised JW but on opposite sides of the world. However, to deviate from the beliefs would be to position oneselfin a light of apostasy. Answer (1 of 6): Your best bet is to hear it straight from the seven leaders of the JW church which I've added below , rather than have its members deceive you in a . You shouldaccept that apostates are mentally diseased. You shallbelieve that Babylon the Great is the world empire of false religion. They are so much about money. But not only do they have LOTS of rules, not all of them are written . The retailers already have the trees and decorations in the stores and its not even Halloween (another fake one). Celebrate or take part in any so-called false religious holidays, such as Christmas and Easter. The Bible never states birthday celebrations are wrong, and Watchtower reasoning against birthdays is invalid. The Christian husband, though he is not under the Law ( Ro 6:14; Eph 2:11-16 ), also does well to consider his wife's cycles and vicissitudes, dwelling with her "according to knowledge" and assigning her honor "as to a weaker vessel, the . Study and know what you are getting into. You shallnot read or listen to any apostate media. i was also born and raised in the organization. Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to celebrate birthdays. They tried to get my sister and I to go back, but we were almost combative over it. Satan was not even thought of as Satan as we think of him until the NT. Some of the rules are typical morality rules. a Marriage is a permanent union. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. As she began her "studies" with them, the Jehovah's Witnesses warned her that now that she was learning "the truth," she should expect to be "persecuted" for her new faith. You shouldbelieve that changes in doctrine is new light from Jehovah. Women shallnot give sermons at congregation meetings. I have met that type before. If religious education is compulsory in your school, parents shouldensure that supplementalbiblical education is provided to correct or clarify using Jehovahs Witness literature. Some are biblical, but MOST are not. You shallnot accept work that involves being armed. He changed that as well as the original Sabbath Saturday to the now popular Sunday the first day of the week named after the SUN GOD!!! Observers of the baptism shouldlisten attentively to the baptismal discourse. You shouldavoid giving gifts that violate biblical principles definedby Circuit Overseers shall appoint Elders and Ministerial Servants. DIVISION OVER PRAYER: Family prayer time is greatly affected if the spouse is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, because Jehovah's Witnesses believe that prayers should be directed exclusively to "Jehovah God" and women are not permitted to pray aloud in the presence of a man. Read or share any information that is critical of the group. Say a prayer in the presence of any man without a head covering. Dating is only allowed with the intention to get married and only allowed when the person is of legal age, referred to by Jehovahs Witnesses as the bloom of youth.. You shallnot use the sperm or eggs from a person who is not your marriage mate. It is about $$$$$$ and is a commercial holiday. They are FULL Of all kinds of rules and regulations that make no sense whatsoever. Elders shallrender an account for the way they deal with Jehovahs sheep. You shallnot pledge allegiance to your country or its flag. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. avoid wearing clothing that is tight-fitting, revealing, or sexually provocative. Abel was after all the inventor of killing, as he had mauled innocent sheep. You shouldbelieve that the prophecies ofDaniel 7:25;12:7andRevelation 11:3have a fulfillment in events carried out between December 1914 to June 1918 with regard to Jehovahs Witnesses. You shouldrely on your conscience when accepting a vaccination that contains albumin. Elders should not consider boys in their early or mid teens to be ministerial servants. You shallnot have tattoos, except if your tattoos were obtained prior to becoming a Jehovahs Witness. They seem happy enough and thats good enough. A Jehovah's Witness is a member of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. And Jehovah was a jealous and possessive God who was holding humans captive. Jehovahs Witnesses attend weddings and funerals except under certain circumstances. "Overseers of Jehovah's People", an article in the group's publication called the Watchtower . Jehovah's Witnesses who date are ready, willing, and able to marry someone. They believe they have the only true religion and that all other religions are under Satan. There is no such thing as your first sexual adventure in the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. 1. Child abuse never reported i rhat is crazy .swems care less about the kids .sad .cult more anything. Jesus is the creator! You shallnot throw rice/confetti at a Jehovahs Witness wedding ceremony. In the begin of the video her mother (92 years) who has been a Jehovah's Witness for over 60 years. Hi there, Im a non-religious guy with a JW friend who Im concerned for. The Jehovah's Witnesses' rules are many. I was born and raised in the Organization. they are! You shallnot eat foods that contain blood or its primarycomponents. If you dont tithe at least 10% of what youre worth then your out. 3 years ago. 1 Can a Jehovah Witness have more than one wife? Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) are known as a religious group compliant with the national laws in the case of smoking, but not-compliant when it comes to blood treatment. No, they dont. Some of the things they say around other people embarasses me, because everything they are taught is by the Society, and just a group of old men that dont know shit about shit. According to the Pew Research Study, in a sampling of 244 Jehovahs Witnesses, 9 percent of them were divorced. A mother married to a non-Jehovahs Witness shoulduse tact to emphasize the merits of inculcating children with Jehovahs Witness doctrine. Im not sure what you are asking. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. You shouldbe rebaptized if you feel you lacked sufficient biblical knowledge at the time of your baptism. You shouldnot believe in miracles except for biblical miracles. Join or volunteer at any other charitable organization such as the Red Cross, the Lions Club, the Salvation Army, etc. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Members of the group are expected to be raped, tortured, and murdered before using a weapon for self-defense. Witnesses reject the doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary, who they believe bore more children after Jesus. I never baptized. Her name Vera means - we only recently know this - Truth, Faith and Trust. EVERYTHING. Sure, a concordance may be used to figure out its meaning, but thats through reading the word in context in Hebrew. Many of their members have committed suicide b/c of the strictness of that religion. I was raised in this church, but always knew without doubt it was wrong. You shouldbelieve thatRomans 11:26refers to a spiritual Israel, namely Jehovahs Witnesses. Women shouldnot excessively adorn themselves. Edlers shall determine if a member is unrepentant. Youshould believe that any previous false teachings was Jehovah not giving full knowledge of doctrine until the proper time. This is when they came up with the idea on One God. Women and Submission. You shouldnot get marriedby religious institutions that are not Jehovahs Witnesses. The married woman contacted YouTubers To Catch a Cheater after she had her doubts about her husband being faithful. Netherlands: Sander Huls Leaves Jehovahs Witnesses and Shares His Experience. Jehovahs Witness women are not allowed to: Jehovahs Witnesses are directed that they will rely on Jehovah and not try to defend themselves. Perhaps better than defining evil ones self, ask Christians to list behaviors they use to identify evil. Elections, you shouldpray to Jehovah for help to persevere in the &. 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