He did not recognize the animal that made the sound; he did not try to; with fresh vitality he swam toward the sound. "Precisely," said the general. 10 For a seem-ingly endless time he fought the sea. Vigor is defined as physical strength and energy. ", "I'll tell you," said the general. endstream
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", "Why should I not be serious? Rainsford is unable to make sense of what Zaroff is saying. He could staywhere he was and wait. "No, general," he said. He could flee. But I got the brute.\" \"I've always thought,\" said Rainsford, \"that the Cape buffalois the most dangerous of all big game.\" For a moment the general did not reply; he was smiling hiscurious red-lipped smile. His face was set and he forced the machinery of his mind to function. It was the baying of a pack of hounds. Great Guns, General Zaroff, what you speak of ismurder.\" The general laughed with entire good nature. Rainsford knew now how an animal at bay feels. The cat was coming again to play with the mouse. As soon as I recovered I started for the Amazon to hunt jaguars, for I had heard they were unusually cunning. Rainsford did not want to believe what his reason told himwas true, but the truth was as evident as the sun that had bynow pushed through the morning mists. But the hope that was in Rainsford's brain whenhe climbed died, for he saw in the shallow valley that GeneralZaroff was still on his feet. Before enrolling at Harvard University, he spent a year at Georgetown College before beginning his journalism career for The Poughkeepsie Journal. The vegetation on the island is described with an implied metaphor, indirectly saying that the weeds and trees are a closely knit web. The description indicates that the island is covered with a dense tropical jungle; also, web can have negative connotations, summoning thoughts of a spiders web, in which the spiders prey is caught. . General Zaroff, with a deep, courtly bow, strolled from the room. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Rainsford calls the hunt barbaric, to which Zaroff responds that life is for the strong.. \"A new animal? Rainsford creates a complex forest track during his head start before ascending a tree. \"One does not expect nowadays to find a youngman of the educated class, even in America, with such a naive, 12 The Cape buffalo is not the most dangerous biggame.\" He sipped his wine. I fell off a yacht. "I refuse to believe that so modern and civilized a young man as you seem to be harbors romantic ideas about the value of human life. Automatically Rainsford shook the man's hand. Rainsford held his breath. The bed was good, and the pajamas of the softest silk, and he was tired in every fiber of his being, but nevertheless Rainsford could not quiet his brain with the opiate of sleep. 0000003979 00000 n
Desperately he struck out with strong strokes after the receding lights of the yacht, but he stopped before he had swum fifty feet. \"I will not lose my nerve. ", "Dear me," said the general, quite unruffled, "again that unpleasant word. He slid down the tree. Marcus Aurelius was a philosopher and Roman emperor who ruled from 161 to his death on March 17, 180. It had become too easy. ", "Life is for the strong, to be lived by the strong, and, if needs be, taken by the strong. The stone steps werereal enough; the massive door with a leering gargoyle for aknocker was real enough; yet above it all hung an air ofunreality. made out the shadowy outlines of a palatial ch ateau; it . Somewhere, off in the blackness, someone had fired a gun three times. One of us is to furnish a repast for the hounds. What books have stories within stories like The Princess Bride? flying cars or jetpacks), Looking for books with unreliable narrators, Recommend me good books with split perspectives. He regardedRainsford quizzically. Bleak darkness was blacking out the sea and jungle whenRainsford sighted the lights. I have about a dozen pupils down there now. Des-perately he struck out with strong strokes after the recedinglights of the yacht, but he stopped before he had swum fiftyfeet. Me He made a hunter. The Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell "OFF THERE to the right--somewhere--is a large island," said Whitney." It's rather a mystery--" "What island is it?" Rainsford asked. Not many men know how to make a Malay mancatcher. An apprehensive night crawled slowly by like a wounded snake and sleep did not visit Rainsford, although the silence of a dead world was on the jungle. But sometimes I think sailors have an extra sensethat tells them when they are in danger. Grisly means horrifying and disgusting. "I shall be most glad to have your society. Be a realist. Gasping, his hands raw, hereached a flat place at the top. Do you think the champagne hassuffered from its long ocean trip?\" \"Not in the least,\" declared Rainsford. He knew his pursuer was coming; he heard the paddingsound of feet on the soft earth, and the night breeze broughthim the perfume of the general's cigarette. That was suicide. It's rather a mystery", "The old charts call it 'Ship-Trap Island,'" Whitney replied." Think and Grow Rich PDF Download [January 2022], Fortnite APK Download for Android (January 2023), Clash of Clans APK Download for Android (January 2023), Minecraft APK Download For Android (January 2023). Rainsford had hardly tumbled to the ground when the packtook up the cry again. "It's a game, you see," pursued the general blandly. "I am still a beast at bay," he said, in a low, hoarse voice. . His eyes made out the shadowy outlines of a palatial chateau; it was set on a high bluff, and on three sides of it cliffs dived down to where the sea licked greedy lips in the shadows. You've a genuine new thrill in store for you, Mr. ", The general filled both glasses, and said, "God makes some men poets. Rainsford, with an effort, held his tongue in check. Thank you for a most amusing evening.". \"I'm no robber. "The old charts call it `Ship-Trap Island,"' Whitney replied." A suggestive name, isn't it? \"Watch! Be a realist. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. The dining room to which Ivan conducted him was in many ways remarkable. They'refrom the Spanish bark San Lucar that had the bad luck to goon the rocks out there. Now, mine is an analytical mind, Mr. Rainsford. \"Precisely,\" said the general. He dropped a walnut on the hardwood floor and brought his heel grinding down on it. The general was saving him for another day'ssport! "Here in my preserve on this island," he said in the same slow tone, "I hunt more dangerous game. Twenty feet belowhim the sea rumbled and hissed. \"No,\" he said. "Yes, even that tough-minded old Swede, who'd go up to the devil himself and ask him for a light. He let it fall, and it startled him with its booming loudness. The name is an allusion to James Purdey and Sons (or Purdeys), a company established in London in 1814 that makes high-quality custom hunting rifles and shotguns. Then he added, hastily: \"I don't wish you to thinkme a braggart, Mr. Rainsford. Again you score. \"I see,\" he said.\"Splendid! He was almost on the rocks before he saw them; on a night less calm he would have been shattered against them. 75 0 obj<>stream
", "Oh, it isn't here naturally, of course. You shall see for yourself tomorrow.". The pent-up air burst hotly from Rainsford's lungs. He thought he heard steps within; the door remained closed. Rainsford had dug himself in in France when a second'sdelay meant death. The allusion calls to mind the resplendent art and majestic architecture of the period, such as huge stone cathedrals with expansive stained glass windows, paintings, and sculptures. It was the shore of the sea. A certain coolheadedness had come to him; it was not the first time he had been in a tight place. So I bought this island built this house, and here I do myhunting. Great Guns, General Zaroff, what you speak of is murder. He made his way along with his eyesfixed in utmost concentration on the ground before him. His mind workedfrantically. His face was set and he forced the machinery of hismind to function. \"Iexpect rather fair sporta big, strong, black. It is ironic that Zaroff would read the works of Marcus Aurelius, since Zaroffs philosophy of life is brutal and animalistic. He reached it. Zaroffs being a zealous hunter makes him an especially dangerous foe for Rainsford. Then he switched on the light. Sometimes I think evil is a tangible thingwith wave lengths, just as sound and light have. 11 Invariably, Mr. Rainsford, invariablythey choose the hunt.\" \"And if they win?\" The smile on the general's face widened. It's most annoying. This passage is an example of suspense in the story. Night found him leg-weary, with hands and face lashed by the branches, on athickly wooded ridge. \"How in God's name didyou get here?\" \"Swam,\" said Rainsford. I give him a supply offood and an excellent hunting knife. The oldest gargoyle is 13,000 years old. Then he said slowly, \"No. \"For the hunter,\" amended Whitney. It's like find-ing a snuffbox in a limousine. As the word is used here, strike means to encounter or to run across. ", "After the debacle in Russia I left the country, for it was imprudent for an officer of the Czar to stay there. )U$F3mM {8c+ They pointed alongthe cliff in the direction he had been going. Rainsford jumps from a cliff into the water to get away from Zaroff and his hounds; Zaroff is dismayed by Rainsfords apparent suicide and goes home. Sleep had given him new vigor; a sharp hunger was picking at him. He could stay where he was and wait. Dusk came, then darkness, and still he pressed on. "Oh," said the general, "in that case. A man, who had been hiding in the curtains of the bed, was standing there. I fell off a yacht. You need agood, restful night's sleep. This book is available for free download in a number of formats - including epub, pdf, azw, mobi and more. Hewas a very rich man with a quarter of a million acres in theCrimea, and he was an ardent sportsman. You see, I read all books on hunting published in English, French, and Russian. the-most-dangerous-game-ragnar-benson Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t8xb13464 Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Ppi 600 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4. . But it's gotten into sailor lore, somehow. Rainsford.\" The general took from his pocket a gold cigarette case andoffered his guest a long black cigarette with a silver tip; it wasperfumed and gave off a smell like incense. The swish of the underbrush against his huntingboots grew fainter and fainter. structure with pointed towers plunging upward into the gloom. n|PW@LXA2#cv7cT@pkRE7f%# r4gRUpjZXp:~k4 "A rather good lot, I think," observed the general. An evil place can, so to speak, broadcast vibrations ofevil. The connotations of wounded and snake are negative, suggesting violence and danger. Rest brought him new confidence and almost a feeling of security. Once again, the sea is personified. Zaroffs serving Rainsford a filet mignon for dinner is another example of Zaroffs wealthy lifestyle. Don't pay any attention to losers who are think they are going to die because they have to read 30 pages of anything. Even as he touched it, the general sensed his danger andleaped back with the agility of an ape. He looked abouthim, almost cheerfully. He saw no sign of a trail through the closely knit web ofweeds and trees; it was easier to go along the shore, andRainsford floundered along by the water. He looks resourcefulWell, good night, Mr. Rainsford; I hope you have a good night's rest.". He executed a series of intricate loops;he doubled on his trail again and again, recalling all the lore ofthe fox hunt, and all the dodges of the fox. \"You don't mean\" cried Rainsford. Rainsford went to the window and looked out toward the sea. endstream
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During World War I, Connell served in France with the US Army. Boredom. He heard the hounds. Then he leaped far out into the sea When the general and his pack reached the place by the sea,the Cossack stopped. Having no moral code of his own, Zaroff dismisses Rainsfords moral code as being faulty. He had achieved adoze when, just as morning began to come, he heard, far off inthe jungle, the faint report of a pistol. You are much younger than I am, Mr. Rainsford, and have not hunted as much, but you perhaps can guess the answer. Bizarre means very strange or unusual. . When I shot some of his prize turkeys with it, he did not punish me; he complimented me on my marksmanship. hb```b eax %yK+ :lgXV1*00LT"= C~HB02?13`.Lnw0)3> V/xr5``P7E ! Well, I must beg you to excuse me now. Thecocktail was surpassingly good; and, Rainsford noted, the tableapointments were of the finestthe linen, the crystal, the sil-ver, the china. When he opened his eyes he knew from the position of thesun that it was late in the afternoon. They can crush a ship as eas-ily as I crush this nut.\" He dropped a walnut on the hardwoodfloor and brought his heel grinding down on it. You see, I read all books on hunting pub-lished in English, French, and Russian. Hereached it. Three days hence we can discuss it over a bottle of VeuveCliquot, unless\" The general sipped his wine. The knife, drivenby the recoil of the springing tree, had not wholly failed. "I've read your book about hunting snow leopards in Tibet, you see," explained the man. Then he cowered back. <]>>
. Whitney goes to bed after talking about how they are the hunters rather than the hunted, and Rainsford hears gunshots. Please login or sign up below in order to leave a review. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. No other hunting compares with it for an instant. A part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent even as he touched it, did..., even that tough-minded old Swede, who had been in a low, hoarse voice concentration! Less calm he would have been shattered against them lgXV1 * 00LT '' = C~HB02 13. Example of suspense in the curtains of the underbrush against his huntingboots grew fainter fainter. Almost a feeling of security to make a Malay mancatcher who ruled from 161 to his death March... Coming again to play with the agility of an ape, suggesting violence and.. A deep, courtly bow, strolled from the position of thesun that it was late the. 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