It can be a little different than the standard rotation because everything is off cooldown, including your OCDs and relic procs. If the tanks or other players are able to keep aggro, take Flourish Burst instead. Stay behind the boss and cause havoc. They are intended to be changed on the fly and having a clearer idea of what all of them do will help you to recognize situations where individual choices will be useful in-game. (Ranged/Energy/Direct/Single-Target/Instant)The existence of Trickshot is what makes Sharpshooter so different from all the other specs in the game. Trickshot has 2 procs that are relevant to your rotation: Recoil ControlFiring Charged Burst twice in a row, firing Quickdraw or Aimed Shot once, or completing a Penetrating Rounds channel now finishes the cooldown on Trickshot. Honestly, I wouldnt specifically cater to Sharpshooters needs at all. In actual raids, youll probably need to apply it more often. Just use it during the gap if you can reliably hit something that actually needs to take damage with every single tick. Stringing together attacks with the relatively low AP cost of pistol shots is the best way to deal maximum damage. A Character Build refers to the Skills, Quests and Items which players obtain or progress through to build their character in Outward. Note: currently due to an unknown bug, not all builds are being listed here. Since there is no new crafting tier being released with the launch of 7.0, the Biochem items from 6.0 remain BiS. Outward Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Remember, Bombing Run is a tiny bit stronger than Sweeping Gunfire for AoE, but it wont ever be essential to taking down groups of adds and you cant spam it, so youre better off not taking it for group content if you only need to AoE. There are 3 different tiers to consider. Make sure that all DCDs are on cooldown before activating Bag of Tricks. As a bonus, it never breaks, removing the issue of how much durability dagger skills eat through. The only reason I can see is that its a debuff that gets used by all 3 specs. Outside of specific mechanics, its not usually something at your disposal in group content. One of the abilities is almost always one of your primary CCs, either the 8s mez or 4s hard stun, though Gunslinger has their hard stun locked away in a different choice instead. To get the full benefit, youd use Illegal Mods anytime on a tank or another role thats using a DCD that increases their defense chance, like Deflection for Assassins, Saber Ward for Warriors, or Chaff Flare for Mercenaries. The Relic of Serendipitous Assault is generically good, but the Relic of Devastating Vengeance is better specifically for the Burst and Versatility Build. If you played in the last expansion, hold onto whatever you have, though it is unlikely that youll be able to salvage all of them. AoE damage is considered fluff if the adds do not need to die immediately or if you are otherwise shirking your main responsibilities to deal more damage than necessary to adds. Main Page; All Pages; Interactive Maps; navigation. Build Essentials: Sharp Shot Energy Barrels Ballistic Redistribution Efficient Ammo Locked and Loaded Legendary Improved Targeting Legendary Refraction Point Tactical Item. Enemies will move at a snail's pace when hit, giving you plenty of time to load a Shatter Bullet and likely knock them down a second time. There isnt much of a discernable DPS difference between the two approaches and if youd rather not have to worry about this sort of thing at all, its okay to just never use Trickshot if its procced by Quickdraw. Stacks up to 2 times. Sharpshooters rotation is basically to just cycle through 3 main groupings of abilities, all of which include a single use of Trickshot, and then theres a single GCD gap before Aimed Shot tends to come off cooldown. If a tank is out of defensive cooldowns and needs another its okay to use. While it may not be immediately obvious, the entire spec is set up around doing this. The 15% increased armor penetration for 10 seconds is only equivalent to a 5.25% damage increase for your weapon attacks (so everything but Vital Shot and Bombing Run). When it comes to survivability, most disciplines got defensive nerfs with the launch of 7.0, but Gunslingers got hit particularly hard. In addition, when you enter cover after using Hightail It, you gain Hunker Down for the first 3 seconds. Its still a noticeable DPS increase for the specs that provide it, but as a DPS debuff and piece of raid utility, it doesnt matter. Make sure you place all of these abilities on your bar in an order that makes sense to you. I did not observe a significant DPS difference from this approach. Technically its okay to use this if you genuinely think you will die if you dont knock the enemies back right now, but honestly I think the better play is to just let yourself die and then throw a tantrum about why the tanks didnt keep the adds off of you and why you didnt get enough heals, though make sure youve used your threat drop and all your DCDs already. Penetrating Rounds does not have any additional procs or discipline passives associated with it that are relevant to your rotation that I havent already mentioned. Build Essentials: Hotshot Flourish Burst Lucky Draw Lucky Thoughts Locked and Loaded Legendary Improved Targeting Legendary Agitating Energies Tactical Item Devastating Vengeance Relic. It deals nearly identical damage to Flurry of Bolts, has a 35m range, and the actual root lasts for a fair bit of time, so I could see it getting some use in the same sort of situation that you might use a slow or a stun on a Melee add. How mana do you need? There is usually already a gap for a single extra ability every cycle, so its rather easy to insert Quickdraw into your rotation when sub-30, and above 30%, youve been using Charged Burst in this spot. Unfortunately, the Ranged debuff is arguably the worst DPS debuff in the game because all the specs that already deal a significant amount of their damage as Ranged damage already provide it themselves. She is a versatile DPS class, unlike her other half (Deadeye) that requires Close Range and Back Attack for optimal damage output. This is your knockback. (Ranged/Energy/Direct/Single-Target/Casted)This is one of your hardest-hitting abilities. (Ranged/Energy/Direct/Single-Target/Casted)This is the weakest of your rotational abilities, though since youll be using it more than twice as often as your true heavy hitters, it still accounts for a considerable amount of your total damage output. Since damage intake management is primarily a tank and healer job, this ability is primarily to make their lives easier. This Energy regeneration is essential to you being able to do your rotation. Which ability do I use right now that will provide me the most DPS? Obsidian pistol applies burning. Tripod 1. Your contribution helps us provide content you enjoy. If a tank is telling you to stop DPS or hold off for a few seconds because they cant keep aggro, dont listen to them, theyre the one that doesnt know the proper way to keep aggro. This build is for those that want to be able to use any rifle or pistol weapon. This means your average AoE RDT is only 20% compared to most other disciplines which have 100% uptime on 30% AoE RDT. Use it again just before combat to gain a huge damage boost, alongside Possession and Discipline. I have yet to encounter a situation in PvE where this is a good thing, so you either need to be mindful of when that can happen and prevent it. This build doesnt eliminate the gap in your rotation and still offers a good sustained DPS increase. What happens if I dont have time to finish a cast before moving? Three types of damage, monstrous Impact, healing, AoE and debuff without having to manually reload your pistol. So you can expect damage of many thousands at the end of the game Guild leaders, I personally recommend using the Fortune (yellow) guild perk set bonus instead, which grants 5% critical chance and also boosts the critical rate and time efficiency of all Crew Skills by 2%. Thankfully, we dont have to bother with carrying around a second set of relics anymore because all endgame content is being balanced for level 80. And the first level of Agility gives you access to the Gunslinger perk, which you need for this build. The formula for determining how much damage an AoE ability does per GCD such that it can be compared to single-target abilities is: (Damage Dealt/Number of GCDs) x Number of Enemies. Vital Shot is the only ability that isnt covered by the debuffs Sharpshooter provides for itself. From the perspective of the highest burst, the second option is best, though from my limited testing, I didnt see a noticeable difference between the two from the perspective of sustained DPS. Unless you know that a big hit is coming up and you dont have anything else available, this ability is best used if you can time it for when Hunker Down is not active, or on cooldown if theres just a bunch of damage going out. Stacks up to 3 times. You gear for the 10% defense/resist chance they have and then if there is some additional effect that messes with accuracy, like the clouds of dust you encounter during the Foreman Crusher fight in KP, its generally much stronger, so 30% wouldnt do enough. This is your interrupt. This means that the cover bar isnt really useful anymore, so feel free to turn it off in the settings (User Interface > General > uncheck Enable Cover Bar). It's considered to be one of the hardest classes to play, due to having to shuffle around your weapons, but it is also one of the most rewarding when played correctly. Youre able to use it immediately after every single Penetrating Rounds, Aimed Shot, or Quickdraw, or after 2 Charged Bursts in a row. Since the mitigation is so short, it can be fairly difficult to time, so you may need to practice it a little bit, and dont be afraid to completely stop DPSing for a moment if theres something that will kill you if you dont do the cheese correctly. Build Essentials can include important ability tree buffs, a tactical item, and even legendary items occasionally. If you dont want to bother with extra relics, just always use the Relic of Serendipitous Assault. Quickdraw does not have any additional procs or discipline passives associated with it that are relevant to your rotation that I havent already mentioned. Its not the end of the world to use this ability for movement though since there isnt a lot of damage you can do when out of cover anyway, so sometimes you just have to give up the GCD. This ability is both a defensive cooldown and movement ability. Refraction Point also has a very nice bonus, since it causes Penetrating Rounds to deal damage to multiple enemies and Penetrating Rounds applies the armor debuff, this tactical allows you to provide the armor debuff to multiple enemies at the same time, which is super rare. Gunslinger PvP Skill Build Lost Ark lets players customise characters by levelling up skills and giving them special attributes via "tripods", functioning like a talent system. Browse through Cube, Chaos, Leveling and Raid builds to find the one that fits your unique playstyle. Guarding is now a tank-only ability, which is the logical next step since the nerf to Guard for DPS partway through 6.0 was ineffective at stopping its ubiquity in PvP. There are very few disciplines that match Sharpshooters level DPS debuff independence. This used to be more prevalent back before 3.0 when you had to actually spec into pushback protection, but now every class gets a reduction on it as part of some passive. There are only a handful of instances in operations where CC is required, so I will briefly go over what this Combat Style has at their disposal in addition to any other abilities I havent yet mentioned. You can also use any non-damaging ability between the 2 Charged Bursts, including ones on the GCD like Diversion. Its cooldown wont begin recharging until the cooldown on the first activation completes. Activating Smugglers Luck twice in a row will just refresh the duration of the buff. Youre able to do this because the ability is only usable within 5 seconds after using each of those abilities. Use Cool as soon as it's available out of combat and load a Frost Bullet, as it will remain until you fire it. Smugglers Luck is used before everything else because the buff lasts for 20 seconds and only affects the very next use of Aimed Shot, so the earlier to activate Smugglers Luck, the earlier it will become available again, just be sure to not pop it so early that it falls off before you get to actually use Aimed Shot. In case you arent familiar, pushback is when the progress of your cast is pushed back as a result of taking damage. Either pick a different option when it can happen (and your raid lead may ask you to stop taking it if it continues to be a problem) or make sure that youre greater than 10m away from those enemies, which isnt always possible. The typical rotation will look like this: Sometimes you have Burst Volley available, so the first cycle will look like this: Gap Priority(not applicable with Relentless Shots). This gives you an extra GCD on your Adrenal which can help in tight checks. If you want to go the extra mile, you can try to activate it 15-ish seconds before you begin pre-casting before a pull so you will just barely have enough time left on the proc for when you cast Aimed Shot, but I really dont think its worth it because if you mess up, you end up having to wait and the most youll get is maybe an extra use at the very end of the fight. Please be careful to not activate Smugglers Luck again until you consume the previous stack. You should be able to spam Sweeping Gunfire to your hearts content and deal extra splash damage with Aimed Shot. If healers call out for players to use their Medpacs or if you find yourself having to use yours and see that the rest of the group could also probably benefit from their Medpac. In all builds, youll need to use it sub-30% after youve used Quickdraw a few times. In fights where youll be taking a high amount of sustained damage, its important to use your DCDs in the order that maximizes your overall uptime. The most notable change is that XS Freighter Flyby has been renamed to Bombing Run, though it affects the names of a few passives as well. Its pretty straightforward, it increases your alacrity by more than enough to get you from the 1.4s GCD to the 1.3s GCD and lasts long enough to allow you to get an extra ability in the same amount of time, which means you can fit Penetrating Rounds alongside the additional Trickshot into the gap in your rotation. In order to deal maximum damage, Sharpshooter requires 2 other DPS debuffs: Sharpshooter is extremely independent when it comes to DPS debuffs. It really doesnt matter when exactly Burst Volley gets used in relation to Trickshot and the next Penetrating Rounds, though it will probably help your sanity if you keep things consistent. It still significantly reduces the effectiveness of their DCD, but not all the way. If you can tweak the order that you use your DCDs where it allows you to get an extra use out of one of them over the course of a long burn phase, you should definitely do that instead of activating your potentially stronger DCDs first. Gunslinger Meta Pvp Deathmatch SP: 340 2. When you do Burst Volley > Penetrating Rounds > Trickshot, you can treat it as if the gap just doesnt appear; if that makes more sense. Youll probably need a lot more accuracy and alacrity augments to reach the associated stat thresholds. (Tech/Internal/Periodic/Single-Target/Instant)Vital Shot also helps to diversify the damage output of Sharpshooter which would otherwise be entirely direct weapon damage (besides the very occasional Bombing Run). How to change Vs appearance in Cyberpunk 2077, How to change your Outfit in Cyberpunk 2077: Wardrobe Feature Guide, All Locations from Edgerunners in Cyberpunk 2077, How to start The Forgotten Saga in AC Valhalla and go to Niflheim. The 3 abilities are almost always the same for each discipline. Kazite Spellblade is optional here, I took it for the stats from breakthrough and another boost to dagger damage via Infuse Frost, which also helps Brand stay powerful late-game. You wont get the full damage of your DoTs but you also wont have to spend a GCD to apply them when the boss is vulnerable, so you will end up dealing more damage. (Ranged/Energy/Direct/AoE/Channeled)This is your spammable AoE. Please note that the cooldown of Aimed Shot is the same as the duration of the proc and since Quickdraw has a fairly long travel time, it is possible for the proc to fall off before the damage goes out, especially if youre standing further away from the boss. If you come across something you believe I havent considered, like a build, rotation, or opener, that performs equal to or better than what I recommend, please tell me about it in the comment. Here are the groupings: Using the Aimed Shot and Penetrating Rounds groupings on cooldown always take priority, and then you use the Charged Burst x2 grouping, and then youll have about a 1 GCD gap before Aimed Shot comes off cooldown. Hideout isnt always useful as a movement ability, but its incredible when you can use it. As a defensive cooldown, its your cheese ability. Another of the abilities is the movement ability with the longest cooldown. Also good to use against Bosses, as it inflicts Pain and Chill to improve all your outgoing damage and setup Opportunist Stab without the need of your pistol. This ability now has a unique effect and name in each discipline. Get as much as you can as fast as you can. You can check at the top of the guide to see if the guide has been updated for the most recent patch. Welcome to my 7.0 guide for Sharpshooter Gunslinger! Here are all your options: Since we dont have access to moddable gear, well be completely dependent on augments to balance out the stats BioWare gives us. Click here to force an update of the data. Rotations are usually pretty consistent, though there can be some decision-making for a few GCDs. This cooldown is unique to Sharpshooter Gunslingers. A wide variety of Gunslinger Builds for PvE and PvP. Use it when the entire raid is taking a lot of damage or may wipe because one of the tanks just died and now the boss is running around whacking random people. Gunslinger doesn't require positional damage as all the Shotgun skills have In a Tight Spot to remove the need to Back Attack and Rifle skills don't have positional requirements as well. Using each of those abilities take Flourish Burst Lucky Draw Lucky Thoughts Locked and Loaded Legendary Targeting... See is that its a debuff that gets used by all 3 specs extra GCD on your Adrenal which help! 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