Crimson Lion/Lavine Family Foundation Marcy Carsey During the Obama Foundation Democracy Forum in New York City, we announced our newest program in the United States. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The Weglarz Family in Memory of Cynthia Thia Weglarz-Rountree* Jam City, Inc. Simply Southern Helene D. Gayle & Stephen N. KeithSteve & Lisa GerberRobert & Susan Glovsky FundThe Goolsbee FamilyMark GordonBarbara Grasseschi & Anthony CrabbAnastasia Greene*GRoW @ AnnenbergHamlin Kurihara FundHarry & Jeanette Weinberg FoundationMegan HolmesEstate of Nancy HomJohn HynesInner Loop Capital*Jack & Jill of America Foundation, Inc.Kenneth & Lisa JacksonPaul & Catherine Jefferys FundLuci Baines JohnsonDebbie Johnston Charitable Gift Fund*Heather JonesManju Karkare & Jayant KhadilkarKate Somerville Skincare LLC*John & Jennifer Kelly*John LamonicaLawrence Z. Mrs. Marjorie Susman and Ambassador Louis B. Susman* Pamela and William Hurley Stanley Iezman & Nancy Stark* John & Rita Canning* Chicago Community Trust* The Obama Foundation's donor list, which is updated quarterly, included the AT&T Foundation and the W.K. Andrew Tobias Mary and Jeffrey Zients, Christine & John Bakalar Charitable Fund* Ida Levine* The foundation is chaired by Chicago businessman Martin Nesbitt, a close friend of the Obamas. William Jones & Cheryl Sueing-Jones* According to the foundation's website, which lists cumulative contributions in dollar amount ranges, five donors made contributions of at least $1 million between October 1 and December 31, 2018 the Boeing Company lululemon athletica inc. Lawrence Z. John & Jill Levi Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund Big Win Philanthropy Please try again. Chris Korge Joseph Macari new donors who gave between $250,001 and 999,999 include barbara stiefel, a florida megadonor to obama campaigns ($250,001-$500,000); john bakalar, a former rand mcnally & company executive, and his wife, christine, through the christine & john bakalar charitable fund ($250,001-$500,000); and walt disney studios chair alan horn and his wife, The Edelman Family* Other contributors may want to underwrite programs around the globe but not pay for the Obama complex . Tim Collins The Builders Initiative* Anne & Bruce Strohm Family Giving Fund AMC Networks Kate Capshaw & Steven Spielbergs The Wunderkinder Foundation Helene Gayle & Stephen Keith Yogesh Sabnis John & Jacolyn Bucksbaum Family Foundation Nicholas and Monica Logothetis Ursula M. Burns Diane Meyer Simon Donor Dependency 24%. Upon completion of the program, Leaders will have gained a deeper understanding of how values-based leadership advances their ability to enact change. ITIL 4 Foundation introduces an end-to-end operating model for the creation, delivery and continual improvement of technology-enabled products and services. The Penn Biden Center the Ivy League think tank where lawyers found classified materials linked to the Obama White House is a patronage mill for the Biden administration. A highly developed talent for collaboration, and an ability to interact with leaders across the Development team and the broader Foundation. Comer Family Foundation* The foundation is to name an architect for the presidential center in coming weeks. Carol and David Pensky The Parker Foundation Craig Troyer Amy and Kirk Rudy Checks should be mailed to: California Community Foundation. Glen de Vries Chuck Lorre Family Foundation Service Station Foundation The Patricia Crown Family President Barack H. Obama & Mrs. Michelle Obama The Obama Foundation, on the South Side at 5235 S. Harper Court, periodically releases information about large donors but gives their contributions only in broad dollar ranges. James & Carole Wortley Mitchell Kapor UL* Alotto Smith Charitable Fund Obama called Trump a 'f----- lunatic' in remarks to foundation donors, book claims Edward-Isaac Dovere writes that Obama said in 2016 he would prefer Trump presidency over Sen. Ted Cruz Melissa Alvarado Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Mark Pincus Atlantic Philanthropies Peter L. Kellner* Mark Bergman and Susan Gibson Jason & Crystal Goldman Mark Bergman & Susan Gibson* Given the Foundations deep roots in the city, we aim to raise $400 million of our overarching fundraising goal from Chicago and the Midwest. Valerie Jarrett, Co-chair Susan D. Shenk The Bluhm Family Charitable Foundation* The Chicago-based Obama Foundation has disclosed the names of and amounts contributed by donors during the second quarter of 2019, including gifts from foreign donors. Mary & Jeffrey Zients, Robert and Jane Clark Michael and Mattie Lawson Fred and Flora Khosravi George Kaiser Family Foundation Waters An ability to work with donor data and analytics, accountability to metrics. Donors who have met with Obama include the actress Julia Roberts and her cinematographer husband Danny Moder; private equity executive Mark Gallogly and his wife Lise Strickler; and Tom. The Obama Foundation Scholars Program is a full-time, fully-funded leadership development program that brings together rising leaders from the United States and around the world who have demonstrated a commitment to finding solutions to challenges in their communities, countries, and regions. Welcome to the Obama Foundation Obama Presidential Center construction is underway Check out our progress Carrying democracy's torch into the future See Democracy Forum highlights JOIN THE GIRLS OPPORTUNITY ALLIANCE GET HER THERE CAMPAIGN Learn More Join us Help us bring hope home by making a one-time or monthly donation to the Obama Foundation. Iger Bay Foundation Andrew Sutherland* Help build this Foundation from the ground up, and be among the first to know about major news and updates. John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Mindy & Jon Gray* Today, were still dealing with the far-reaching impact of a pandemic. Ranvir & Adarsh Trehan/Trehan Foundation* Intel Corporation Horowitz Family Foundation Steans Family Foundation* Enterprise Holdings Foundation Rosenthal Family Foundation . The Rockhaven Charitable Fund Anh Pham Penn Biden Center . Pamela Bass-Bookey & Harry Bookey Ronald Conway Sacks Family Foundation Thomas Nides* Eugene Sepulveda & Steven Tomlinson Ambassador Fay Hartog-Levin & Daniel Levin Ambassador Robert and Mitsuko Orr The donors page on the Obama Foundation website is currently unlisted, but they must have forgotten to take it down from the server.I archived it for posterity HERE.My b-day present. President Obama speaks during an arrival ceremony with Nordic leadersatthe White HouseonMay 13, 2016. Jim & Wendy Abrams The Lostand Foundation Robert & Jane Clark $320 million will support the Foundations global programming, including Obama Leaders and Scholars, the My Brothers Keeper Alliance, the Girls Opportunity Alliance, and the broader operations of the Foundation. Fidelity Charitable Fund The foundation was created early in 2014. We use cookies to improve your experience on our site. Judy & Peter Blum Kovler Foundation Glen de Vries Jeremy Tworek And of course, we broke ground on the Obama Presidential Center in Jackson Park, marking the beginning of an exciting new chapter in the life of the Foundation. Donald & Elizabeth Thompson* Jeff Mitchell The Leaders program offers practical skill building for social change, leadership coaching, discussion of critical issues, and small group support. Motorola Solutions* James and Mary Bell* Sonya & Tom Campion The Philip & Tammy Murphy Family Foundation Robert McDonald* Mark Pincus Unable to update subscription. National Philanthropic Trust Eileen & John Donahoe* Andrew S. & Jennifer L. Friedman Family Foundation Calendly LLC The newest donors to pledge more than $1 million include the Boeing Company; Fidelity Donor Advised Fund; the Gibbons Scattone Family Foundation; Lisa & Douglas Goldman Fund; and the Harris. Capital One Services LLC Rhimes Family Foundation According to the foundation's website, which lists cumulative contributions in dollar amount ranges, donors who made contributions between July 1 and September 30 and boosted their total to at least $1 million include the Bluhm Family Charitable Foundation, which . Ray & Dagmar Dolby Family Fund David Richter* Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Cintra Pollack Debbie Johnston Charitable Gift Fund Mailman Family FoundationMelissa Alvarado*AMC Networks*Amy & Michael Tiemann Charitable Gift FundThe Apatow-Mann Family Foundation, Inc.John Atkinson & Bonnie AtkinsonAtlantic Fellows for Racial Equity at Columbia UniversityPriya V. BalakrishnanRye BarcottCharles BarkleyBaskin Family FoundationCorinne Anne BaslerBob Baxley*Big Win PhilanthropyDr. Yardi Systems, Inc. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation WarnerMedia* Bob Baxley Mary & Charles Sethness Charitable Foundation The Revlis Foundation Carla and John Brozovich Marriott International, Inc. But while the Obama Foundation was able to get 11 new donors in its . EveryAction, Inc.* Wayne Jordan & Quinn Delaney Please try again. Michael Lawson & Mattie McFadden-Lawson* Is anybody surprised by this? The John and Judy McCarter Family* The Opportunity Fund The John & Marcia Goldman Foundation San Francisco's Solazyme also received millions in stimulus funds from DOE They were Robbin Cohen, executive director, whose wages were $244,838; Justin Rosenthal, strategy and operations manager, $131,596; Jamison Citron, external affairs manager, $137,500; and Jonabel Russette, director of accounting and administration, $121,329. Stephanie Smith 2006-2008 Apparent Somali assassination order. The Chenault Family Michelle Yee & Reid Hoffman Amy and Joshua Boger Diane & Donald Schinnerer Marilou and Mark Hamill The Obama Foundation reported one new donor of more than $1 million: Iger Bay Foundation, which is affiliated with the Disney family. The University of Chicago The Brin Wojcicki Foundation, The Alter Group Kenneth C. Griffin Charitable Gift Fund The Obama Foundation released its 2017 financials early last week, providing an in-depth look at the organization's priorities and the extent to which they matchor in this case, don't matchthe overarching narrative that the Foundation has been telling its Chicago South Side neighbors. Get the latest nonprofit news, funding opportunities, job openings, and more delivered to your inbox with Philanthropy News Digest newsletters. John Shulman & Alison Bernstein Shulman* Catherine & George Ward* Luci Johnson Agnes Gund The W.K. Enterprise Holdings Foundation Scott Miller & Tim Gill Ray & Dagmar Dolby Family Fund Microsoft Corporation Jeanne and John Kevin Poorman through JKP Family Foundation* Fisher Family Foundation John Rogers Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation and Competition in Healthcare John Boiler & Kari Boiler The Mark Cuban Foundation Peter Orzsag Paul & Catherine Jefferys Fund The foundation, which is responsible for developing the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago, lists the donors by monetary range instead of detailing the specific amount each donor gave.. HAND Foundation Hutchins Family Foundation Karla Jurvetson The Obama Foundation board, composed of 17 members, also mixes leaders from a range of sectors. Travis Blane* The ODonnell-Wieselquist Family* A member of the Democratic Party, Obama was the first African-American president of the United States. Gill was a $500,000 Bundler for Obama in 2012. Hasmit Popat Beth and David Shaw He previously served as a U.S. senator from Illinois from . Barbara Stiefel Cindy S. Moelis & Robert S. Rivkin Nancy-Ann DeParle* Wayne Jordan and Quinn Delaney Illinois Tool Works Hutchins Family Foundation The two groups are among seven new donors who gave between $10,000 to $100,000 to the foundation, either in cash or as a pledge. With this support, we will build and open the Obama Presidential Center on the South Side of Chicago, sustain the Obama Foundations global programs and operations, and seed an endowment for the future of the Obama Foundations work. Read President Obamas reflection on 2021, and see how were turning hope into action to support young leaders, build the Obama Presidential Center, and take on the biggest challenges of our time. The Goolsbee Family Christine Chang Today, that work is more important than ever. The Oprah Winfrey Charitable Foundation* Help survive and grow, please donate here, anything helps. So it is impossible to know the sources of the jumbo contributions. Kay & Steve Bennett Wayne Jordan & Quinn Delaney The Barry & Wendy Meyer Foundation Susan Jaffee & Family John T. Theodorsen* Amy & Joshua Boger FedEx Corporation Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), The Boeing Company* According to the foundation's website, which lists cumulative contributions in dollar amount ranges, donors who made contributions between July 1 and September 30 and boosted their total to at least $1 million include the The Parker Foundation Lila Cherri Foundation Corey Gamble* Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation The Obama Foundation was created on Jan. 31, 2014. Thank you for signing up.Show your support! Georgina T. Russo Bruce Heyman Obama Foundation Discloses 2019 Second-Quarter Donors, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Obama Foundation Lands Donations From Spielberg; Eychaner Foundation and 'Africa's Richest Man', Obama Foundation Annual Report Shows Donations Fell 30 Percent in 2018, Obama Foundation Discloses 2019 First-Quarter Contributions, Obama Foundation Discloses Fourth-Quarter Donors, Obama Foundation Discloses Third-Quarter Donors, MacKenzie Scott launches giving website, details charitable process, Emergency Assistance Foundation awarded $45 million in 2022, Madoff Claims Picower Knew of Ponzi Scheme, Carl Shapiro to Return $625 Million From Madoff Investments, Baltimore school receives $5 million from James F. Knott family. Microsoft Corporation Antoinette Bush The Brin Wojcicki Foundation Get the latest nonprofit news, funding opportunities, job openings, and more delivered to your inbox with Philanthropy News Digest newsletters. The Carell Family Trust Masanori Kanda Service Station Foundation Drew Hamlin & Leslee Kurihara Aaron & Ana Zamost. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation James & Kathleen Skinner Family Fund* HILLARY CLINTON PUT GHISLAINE MAXWELLS NEPHEW IN CHARGE OF OBAMAS LIBYA POLICY. The Twilight & Marc Freedman Foundation Kevin Xu, Patricia Passmore Alley Brockton J. Hefflin Anita Blanchard & Martin NesbittJohn Boiler & Kari BoilerPamela Bass-Bookey & Harry BookeyAndrew & Ellen BradleyBrayton Family Charitable FundDouglas & Teresa BrownJohn & Carla BrozovichBurch Giving FundDwight & Antoinette BushCalendly LLC*Casey Family ProgramsBeverly CastleberryChristine ChangThe Cheka Fund at The Miami Foundation*Lila CherriChuck Lorre Family FoundationJames ClarkCraig Newmark PhilanthropiesJesse CroweThe Patricia Crown FamilyStephen & Ayesha Curry Family FoundationBeverly DaleGilbert Omenn & Martha DarlingDeutscher Evangelischer KirchentagMichael DonaghueJackie Brown DuncanJudith EstrinThe Fine & Greenwald FoundationPaul & Mary FinneganFranklin & Marshall CollegeDave Free*Eiichi FukushimaDrs. Three previous donors Illinois Tool Works; Obama Foundation board member John Kevin Poorman and his wife, Jeanne, through theJKP Family Foundation; and Louis B. Susman, who served as ambassador to the United Kingdom in the Obama administration, and his wife, Marjorie made additional contributions that boosted their total giving to the foundation to at least $1 million. Chade-Meng Tan Please try again. Lawrence Z. President Barack H. Obama and Mrs. Michelle Obama* The National Association of Basketball Coaches Foundation* Carla & John Brozovich An Obama Foundation Board member, John W. Rogers Jr., a longtime friend of Obama and former first lady Michelle, is also an Exelon director. Marilyn & Jim Simons Four foundations those tied to George H.W. National Basketball Coaches Association* Lisa Stone Pritzker Family Foundation Michael Jordan & Family Jayant Khadilkar & Manju Karkare John Atkinson & Bonnie Atkinson Gilbert Omenn & Martha Darling Steve & Lisa Gerber Sean Oxley* Jill & Avram Glazer The Wunderkinder Foundation The Robert and Susan Glovsky Fund The Obama Foundation is a nonprofit organization formed in 2014, near the end of President Barack Obama 's second term in office, to press for liberal projects and to both oversee the design and construction of the Obama Presidential Center within Jackson Park in Chicago, Illinois. The 2023 Leaders programme is a six-month virtual leadership development journey. Diane Simon The Goldberg Family Foundation Connie and Sankey Williams They are the source of my hope. The Alter Group* Amistad Financial Good Works, LLC* Michael and Ellen Alter* Kellogg FoundationThe Anne Wojcicki Foundation (YouTube CEO sister, Google owner partner and ex-wife)Kate Capshaw & Steven Spielbergs The Wunderkinder FoundationWayne Jordan & Quinn DelaneyMary & Jeffrey ZientsRobert & Carol Wolf Family Foundation, Ms. Patricia Passmore AlleyThe Atlantic Philanthropies*James & Mary BellMark Bergman & Susan GibsonThe Brin Wojcicki Foundation (Same Google love triangle as above)Vinton Cerf & Sigrid CerfChristine & John Bakalar Charitable FundTim CollinsLester, Chanel, & Javon ConeyDon & Anne Edwards Charitable FundDr. Skoll Foundation Stephen Cloobeck Kevin Xu, Rona & Jeffrey Abramson Foundation $25,000,000 and above Connie and Steve Ballmer Lynne and Marc R. Benioff Jeff Bezos Ann and John Doerr Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Hobson/Lucas Family Foundation* Michelle Yee and Reid Hoffman Aphorism Foundation Hutchins Family Foundation The Parker Foundation Hasbro Inc. Jon & Kimberly Shirley* Hasmit Popat* Medical benefits include coverage for fertility treatments and prescription drug coverage. Barbara Grasseschi & Anthony Crabb Foundation fundraising for the third quarter was marked by no significant corporate contributions, the Chicago Sun-Times notes, a departure from prior quarters. The Iqbal & Shelby Mamdani Foundation Rick and Christian Olson Family Fund Marilou & Mark Hamill Family Charitable Fund The donors page on the Obama Foundation website is currently unlisted, but they must have forgotten to take it down from the server. The Harris Family Foundation* Kellogg Foundation Katie McGrath & J.J. Abrams Family Foundation Lester, Chanel, & Javon Coney Pamela Valinet Charitable Rigo Diaz Steve & Anita Westly* Skoll Foundation Fred Eychaner PGA Tour* The Oprah Winfrey Charitable Foundation Sheli and Burton Rosenberg* Brenda and James Grusecki* The Leaders program offers practical skill building for social change, leadership coaching, discussion of critical issues, and small group support. The Museum of Ice Cream on Behalf of AlunaGeorge Paul and Mary Finnegan* Alpenglow Foundation Marcy Carsey Quinn Emanuel Foundation Eiichi Fukushima Gallogly is co-founder and managing principal of Centerbridge Partners, which focuses on private equity and credit investing. In addition, the Stephen & Ayesha Curry Family Foundation, established by Stephen Curry of the NBA's Golden State Warriors and his wife, donated between $10,000 to $100,000 to the foundation during the quarter. Hobson/Lucas Family Foundation* Robert & Carol Wolf Family Foundation Paula and Edward Hughes A. Robert Pietrzak Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. Some . Michael Jordan and Family* Mrs. Marjorie Susman & Ambassador Louis B. Susman The San Francisco 49ers The Hauptman Family Foundation Stripe, Inc. The Obama Foundation has disclosed the names of and general amounts contributed by its donors during the third quarter of the year. Keller Boonshoft Fund* Universal Music Group* Ursula M. Burns* Hamlin Kurihara Fund Shiny Mathew Jean Ellen Taylor* New York Community Trust The Obama Foundation has set an ambitious goal of raising $1.6 billion to fuel the Foundations pursuit of its mission to inspire, empower, and connect the next generation of leaders. The Anne Wojcicki Foundation Thank you for signing up.Show your support! To subscribe, select any of the newsletters listed below. Revada Foundation Aaron and Ana Zamost. Carol & David Pensky Tony Fernandes Laura A. Anastasia Greene Jeff Bezos Hasbro, Inc. Obama Foundation Discloses Third-Quarter Donors, Obama Foundation New Donors: Neil Bluhm, Steph Curry, Obama Foundation Launches Global Girls' Education Initiative, Annual Report Shows Obama Foundation Raised $232 Million in 2017, Obama Foundation Announces Latest Supporters of Presidential Center, My Brother's Keeper Alliance to Become Part of Obama Foundation, MacKenzie Scott launches giving website, details charitable process, Emergency Assistance Foundation awarded $45 million in 2022, Madoff Claims Picower Knew of Ponzi Scheme, Carl Shapiro to Return $625 Million From Madoff Investments, Baltimore school receives $5 million from James F. Knott family. We have to advocate and organize; to advance our values; and fight for truth over liesnot just because we're afraid of what will happen if we don't, but because we're hopeful about what can happen if we do. Andrew and Ellen Bradley Jill and Avram Glazer Thelma Golden Sandra and John W. Thompson Dr. Jane M. Green in honor of Dr. Harry & Mrs. Harriett Green* The John & Marcia Goldman Foundation McDonalds Corporation* Jack & Jill of America Foundation, Inc. Sir Paul & Nancy McCartney* John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation* Baskin Family Foundation Prudential Financial, Inc.* Jesse Crowe The Leaders program launched in Africa in 2018, expanded to Asia Pacific in 2019, and inaugurated Europe in 2020. The Gibbons Scattone Family Foundation GCM Grosvenor* Nike Foundation* Dennis & Constance Keller* Mailman Family Foundation The Revlis Foundation* New York Community Trust Shannon and Clint Brayton Sachiko Kuno Foundation, Inc. Elzie Higginbottom* Four full-time foundation officials were among its highest-compensated employees, the return said. Friday's release offers greater clarity about who is bankrolling the massive project. Iger Bay Foundation James Crown, Co-chair Amy & Michael Tiemann Charitable Gift Fund Obama Foundation Discloses 2019 Second-Quarter Donors. Judith Estrin John & Jacolyn Bucksbaum Family Foundation Jill & Avram Glazer Pedro Torres-Mackie* Dave Free Alphawood Foundation* Other notable new donors to the Obama Foundation: *For the first time Chicago's wealthy Crown family contributed - somewhere between $250,001 to $500,000, although it is likely on the higher end. Weston Milliken Susan Sher & Neil Cohen Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation The Tony James Charitable Foundation Mary & David Peirce My b-day present. John Atkinson Polk Bros. Foundation* Ms. Gwen R. Libstag James Crane & Whitney Wheeler Crane Victoria & John Rogers Alison & Mark Pincus The Grain Family Foundation, Inc. Obama's donor roster is . The foundation also released a list of new donors. The New Yorker has reported that [Julian] Assange and the others were uncertain of its authenticity, but they thought that readers, using Wikipedia-like features of the site, would help analyze it. Michael and Ellen Alter Walter Massey The Brin Wojcicki Foundation We are grateful for key leaders across the country who have driven critical fundraising and engagement efforts on the road to groundbreaking. James Crane and Whitney Wheeler Crane The Joyce Foundation The Patricia Crown Family* Jane & Richard Mescon Pia Sawhney Irwin Mark Jacobs & Joan Klein Jacobs AT&T* Horowitz Family Foundation Jesse Crowe Illinois Tool Works Nancy E. Myers Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation*, Jim and Wendy Abrams* Pritzker Traubert Foundation* Mailman Family Foundation James and Karen Frank* Sandra Thompson Silicon Valley Community Foundation Mr. Simon E. Markowski Lester Ward Giving Account Ian Simmons through ImpactAssets Donor Advised Fund Andrew Houston We use cookies to improve your experience on our site. Total public support was $5.4 million in 2014, compared with more than $1.9 million in 2015, the return shows. Karen & Liam Krehbiel* WASHINGTON Six wealthy donors and foundations gave a total of $1.84 million last year to the nonprofit Barack Obama Foundation, which is preparing to build his presidential center on. Corinne Anne Basler Tiffany & Alex Heckler Catherine Ward, Ronald Kirk & Matrice Ellis-Kirk, Co-chairs James & Caroline Clark Ms. Agnes Gund Elsa Schiaparelli SAS Company Susan Lubetkin Alphawood Foundation Chicago, Fred Eychaner, Founder Douglas & Teresa Brown Northern Trust* Schwartz Family Foundation* Tom Kartsotis Marcus Mitchell Robert R. McCormick Foundation Beverly Dale Michael Sacks, chairman and CEO of the investment firm GCM Grosvenor Capital Management, is, according to records, president of the Highland Park foundation that bears his name. Barbara & Amos Hostetter Obama Leaders also participate in various virtual experiences and special events, including one-on-one conversations with experienced mentors in the Foundations global network. The Hauptman Family Foundation Sign up to receive email updates on our innovative workforce initiative, community programming, and even more Obama Presidential Center special announcements and first looks. The major donors, several of whom were generous givers to Obama's political campaigns, appear on the nonprofit foundation's 2015 tax return, made public Friday. Fifth Third Chicagoland Foundation Kate Capshaw and Steven Spielbergs The Wunderkinder Foundation, Aliko Dangote Foundation Beth & David Shaw Jason and Crystal Goldman Kenneth C. Griffin Charitable Gift Fund* Ranvir & Adarsh Trehan/Trehan Foundation Exelon Corporation The Obama Foundation voluntarily discloses its donors each quarter, providing broad ranges in which each donor contributed. Robert & Jane Toll Foundation The Jewish Communal Fund Joseph & Elizabeth Zwillinger*. $90 million will go towards start-up expenses, including collecting artifacts, and designing exhibits. Shannon Brayton Vinton Cerf and Sigrid Cerf Tyler Perry Olufunmilayo Olopade Rye Barcott The $1.9 million figure includes small donations that are not listed on the tax return. Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation & Competition in Healthcare He gave $1 million to the foundation. Frederick Waddell, Co-chair The Joyce Foundation* Jane A. Lehman & Alan G. Lehman Foundation The Obama Foundation has made public the names of and general amounts contributed by its donors through March 31, 2017, revealing an uptick in contributions since the former president left office in January.. A.L. Dona and Sam Scott Foundation* In America, your gender, race, class, and country of origin too often determine your ability to thrive. Explore construction jobs and training opportunities. Clara Tsai* New York Community Trust Thank you for signing up.Help us build this Foundation. James & Karen Frank* Issues Obama, Clinton Foundation Donors Sold 'Green' Fuel to Military for $149 per Gallon. Kevin Xu, Rona & Jeffrey Abramson* Lester, Chanel, and Javon Coney* Donate Now. Jon & Kimberly Shirley The Prasad Hack Family* Ian Simmons through ImpactAssets Donor Advised Fund The Prasad Hack Family There was a problem submitting. Amy & Kirk Rudy It was established by former president of the United States Bill Clinton with the stated mission to "strengthen the capacity of people in the United States and . Ainslie Foundation* Bruce and Vicki Heyman* The Rockhaven Charitable Fund Andy P. Tobias Jane & Richard Mescon Marin Community Foundation Bettylu Saltzman & Dr. Paul SaltzmanShiva Sarram & Drew Pearson*Mr. Andrew Schapiro & Ms. Tamar NewbergerMargaret SchinkSegal Family FoundationEugene Sepulveda & Steven TomlinsonMary & Charles Sethness Charitable FoundationSusan D. Shenk*Ruth SimmonsDiane Meyer SimonSimply Southern*Charles SmithHortense SnowerKen & Lissa SolomonNeil & Carla Subin*Suvoda LLC*Suggs Family FoundationSusan Sher & Neil Cohen Fund at The Chicago Community FoundationChade-Meng TanPedro Torres-MackieCraig TroyerJeremy TworekUnder Armour, Inc*Christopher P. Valenti Charitable FundGlen de Vries*Lester Ward Giving AccountWachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz*Warner/Roback Family Fund*Weinberg-Newton Family FoundationSherrie & David WestinThe Wildbasil FundJae Yu*Barry & Lisa Zimmermann*Bruce Carbonari*. Masanori Kanda Service Station Foundation Drew Hamlin & Leslee Kurihara Aaron & Zamost! City, Inc who is bankrolling the massive project to enact change 2014, with! Latest nonprofit news, funding opportunities, job openings, and designing exhibits get 11 new donors gave $ million... Greater clarity about who is bankrolling the massive project donors in its opportunities, job,! 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